The New Medical Office Building Approach

medical_office_renovationWith today’s new trends in medicine many facilities are finding it necessary to consider new build out methods which will attract patients, improve wellness and save operation costs. These methods include such things as more flexibility, a friendlier “attitude” and allows for multiple interconnections and shared spaces reflecting a team-care environment.

These Medical Offices are being designed “lean” which means that as much space as possible is now used for clinical care as opposed to large doctor’s offices and waiting areas that was common for many years. Ground floors and easy front door access is critical to many of these facilities, especially those tending to an aging demographic of patients.

DPT Construction has extensive experience in the renovation of medical office buildings to suit the needs of the medical practice’s particular needs and clientele. David Daoud will also suggest ideas, based on prior experience which will help formulate the best way of moving forward with your specific project in mind.

Contact us at (877)349-6737 or for a free estimate and consultation.